What it is, by way of what it’s not
Choreography is not dance
Dancing is not choreography
A person running after a ball, isn’t a football game
A turning wheel, isn’t a car
Wings are not an airplane
They’re also not a bird
A tomato, isn’t sauce
Tomato sauce, is not a pizza
A Pizza, is not a restaurant
A cucumber, isn’t a salad
Words are not a poem
Bricks are not a building
Brick walls, are not architecture
Sound, isn’t music
Color is not a painting
A line is not a drawing
Money, isn’t the economy
Leafs are not a tree
A tree is not the forest
Water is not the ocean
A person dancing, is not choreography.
Choreography is a system, it organizes things, people, movements, ideas, actions and sometimes, dancing.
Please, stop calling the dancing, the movement researches, the improv practices, the dance techniques and all the rest of it, choreography.