
There’s an interesting parallel to be made between the food industry and the art world.

Most of what is being produced, sold and consumed nowadays as food (at least in the western world), has very little to do with what food actually is. An overwhelming percentage of the food being produced, has almost non of the ingredients needed in order to do what food is supposed to do. Nourish the physical body.

More than that, most of the food produced in the west today, is a form of processed poison. So not only it fails at its most basic role as nourishment, creating an ongoing physical deficit, it is an active part in poisoning the human body.

If one consumes on a regular basis 99% of what is sold as food in any typical western supermarket, there’s no other outcome possible than sickens and premature death.  The obvious results of this reality, are clearly visible in the majority of western population.

Art, isn’t really different in the ways it serves as nourishment.

What has been done to food, has been done to art, and for mostly the same reasons.

Most of the art being produced, presented and consumed, isn’t actually art. Like the processed food industry, it is just the appearance of the thing, while having almost nothing to do with it. Most art isn’t art. It says it is, it is presented, sold and consumed as one, but it fails in providing the nourishment art is supposed to.

On top of that, again just like in the food industry, a lot of the art being made, goes beyond that, and is an active form of emotional, intellectual and spiritual poisoning.

The crisis western societies are plunged into, is a direct result of this. Of things not being what they’re supposed to be. Not serving their purpose. Creating ongoing deficits, which outcomes are clear to the eye, mind and soul of whomever is willing to look.

What are the reasons for this? Ah well, that’s an easy one. Physically sick and spiritually broken people, are easier to manipulate, coerced and control.