Selection Vs. Choice

Selection and choice are not the same thing.

Choreography, has to offer access to choice, rather than the limited premise of selection.

Selection breads expediency, which regresses the entire system to a mangble medium where everybody has effective neutrality, whereas choice, implies a system which doesn’t try to micromanage or control its own outcome.

Selection, is a form of manipulation, giving the appearance of choice, while actually limiting it in order to control the outcome.

Selection is the sly roundabout tool of centralized systems. Choice, is the default strategic approach of decentralized, permission-less systems.

For this to happen, the choreographer has to accept what most makers are reluctant to even look at:

The fact that until the ego is eclipsed by one’s subservience to both the choreographic process and the dancers who use it, one cannot lead in a meaningful, moral and productive manner.
