Free agency

Question: Why don’t you create material?

The long answer:

Choreographies are designed to be carried out by either free agents, or by puppets.

When free agency, as a core aspect determining the role dancers have within the choreographic thing, is absent, the result is puppets operating under the authority and command of centralized control.

The vast majority of the choreographic work being made, is of the second type, and therefore, bares almost no artistic value, while also being abusive, damaging and degrading for the dancers involved.

Since choreographic practices tend to be accurate reflections of the societies in which they operate, that is not surprising in the least.

The reasons to why it’s impossible to generate artistic value within a choreographic practice, without free agency for dancers being a starting point are multiple, but mainly, it has to do with the fact that choreographies, all of them, are basically platforms for ‘people doing things’.

If people are doing things on platforms in which the algorithme is set in a way so they have no say about what they are doing (or a very restricted one), then they are denied access to that which makes them people in the first place. Hence, they are a reduced form of people. And since people are the subject matter of choreography, reduced people make for reduced choreographies.

The short answer:

I’m a choreographer.